Romart-City 2016: The International Workshop on Robotics and Smart City

In the Smart World Congress 2016 (

July 18-21, 2016, Toulouse, France

Romart-City 2016

Smart Cities are the cities of the future, where the wellbeing, and safer and happier life of its citizen is the central idea, facilitated by an ecosystem of technologies. Smart Robots, being connected machines with a wide range of capabilities, are becoming an inevitable part of the sustainable and connected intelligence of smart city ecosystems, whether they are smart homes, smart public places, smart hospitals, smart shopping malls, smart museums, smart factories or smart parks. This trend is further supported and accelerated by the rapid development and advance of a raft of underpinning technologies and applications such as ubiquitous computing, sensing, intelligent data processing, mobile computing and context-aware applications.

Call for papers

This decade is witnessing the fastest awareness and heavy investigation at the intersection of Robotics, Smart Cities and Ubiquitous Computing, including Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud, and Smart Sensors. This workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from the diverse relevant fields to present and disseminate the latest accomplished and/or ongoing research at this interesting intersection of Robotics and Smart City. It aims to facilitate knowledge transfer and synergy, bridge gaps between different research communities/groups, lay down foundation for common purposes, and helps identify opportunities and challenges for different stakeholders.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Robots in Smart City and in Smart Cyber Physical Systems

  • Robots and IoT

  • Robots and Cloud

  • Smart Homes, Ambient Assisted Living

  • Smart Factories

  • Smart Public Spaces

  • Swarm Intelligence

  • Use Case Studies and Evaluations

Robots capabilities in Smart Cities

  • Human and Crowd Behavior Modeling and Awareness

  • Context Awareness

  • Smart Navigating

  • Smart Manipulation

  • Smart Learning

  • Smart and Social Interfaces and Interaction with Human

  • Smart Interaction with Environment

Methodologies, Tools and Theoretical foundations

  • Framework and Methods for Integrating Robots in Smart City Ecosystem

  • Smart Sensors for Smarter Robots (e.g. smart phones, smart glasses, etc.)

  • Data & Knowledge Management, Big Data & Cloud based Processing

  • Personalization and Adaptation

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